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Happy Children, Happy Parents, Happy Families, Happy World!

EduQ International Parents-child Bonding & Wellness Workshops are for parents and caregivers to learn to promote bonding and attachment as well as  enhance children's wellbeing,  happiness and brightness through massage, acupressure, reflexology, yoga and music therapy. The wellness therapies and workshops are tailored for  Prenatal Couple, Parents/caregivers with Baby & Child from 0 to 18 years old and Parent/caregivers with Special Needs Child (Autism). 
EduQ International Women Wellness & Antiaging Therapy & Workshops are the wellness care programs to promote wellness & antiaging for prenatal, postnatal, and general woman health.

"When I massage my child, we have a lot of communication thru skin touch and  body language. The massage session is so intimate and fun which help me a lot to bond with my child regardless my busy working schedule. With only 5 to 20 minutes each session we can connect our soul and mind thru nurturing touch"

feedback of a full-time working mother.

Copyright © 2013 by Doris Seau. Proudly created by DS.



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  • 女性の健康とアンチエイジングセラピー&ワークショップ

International Wellness Programs (Japan, Thailand & China)

  • Women Wellness & Antiaging Therapy & Workshop

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