Prenatal Mom-to-be Wellness Program
Prenatal Wellness Program : Relaxing Prenatal Aromatheraphy & Acupressure Body Massage, Facial Massage, Pregnancy Yoga, Breathing techniques at labour and Get Ready EduQ Baby Massage.
For Pregnancy from 20 weeks to before delivery.
Safe & Relaxing Prenatal Therapeutic Massage Therapy (please choose one)
Package (A) 90 minutes : Aromatherapy & Acupressure Body Massage + Face +Head Acupressure Massage (with Mosturising Gel Face Mask)
Package (B) 120 minutes : Aromatherapy & Acupressure Body Massage + Face +Head Acupressure Massage (with Mosturising Gel Face Mask) + Pregnancy Yoga or Breathing & Acupressure Massage techniques at labour
Package (C) 150 minutes : Aromatherapy & Acupressure Body Massage + Face Acupressure Massage (with Mosturising Gel Face Mask) + Pregnancy Yoga or Breathing & Acupressure Massage techniques at labour + EduQ Baby Massage (practice with dolly at 35 weeks and above, minimum 3 session to complete the baby massage sequences)
Benefit of treatments:
Pregnancy Massage : Aromatherapy Pregnancy Massage treatment with TCM Acupressure is a safe and perfect way to reduce stress , discomforting and promote general well-being during pregnancy. Prevention and relieve of discomfort such as backaches , breast soreness , headaches , leg Cramps , heartburn , morning sickness , sciatica, stretch marks, varicose veins and many others.
Pregnancy Yoga: Yoga provides many benefits to pregnant women. Among those benefits of yoga are increased flexibility, more energy , stress relief and helps the mom-to-be prepares for childbirth. This is done by the regular use and stretching of the muscles that are used in childbirth. In addition, the relaxation and breathing skills learned in yoga will help a woman throughout the labor and delivery of her child and may also lessen some of the woman's pains and anxieties.Yoga can also help the woman to get back into shape after pregnancy and will help to ease the transition into more physical exercise. And the benefits of yoga do not only encompass the pregnant woman; yoga can assist in the mental and physical development of the growing fetus.
At Birth Breathing Techniques: It prepare mom-to-be for a safe, healthy birth by providing the most current, evidence-based information about birth, simplifying birth, and helping women navigate the maze of modern maternity care. The couple will spend some time in practicing relaxation and conscious breathing and other than that is building your confidence or discussing how to keep things simple and how to have the safe, healthy birth you want in the birth setting you have chosen.
Acupressure Massage at birth : Induce labour with pressing on the acupoints. Many women wish to naturally induce labor, and using acupressure points is one of the method that may help start or speed labor. Proponents of acupressure as an induction aid believe it works by encouraging cervical dilation and stimulating productive contractions.
EduQ Baby Bonding Massage : Learning to massage your new-born with nurturing touch is the best way to bond ad communicate with your child. Massaging baby could also helps relieve discomfort from gas, colic, constipation, improves blood circulation-aids in digestion-enhanced development of the nervous system, stimulates neurological development , increases alertness, heightened awareness, improves immune function, reduces stress and depression for baby and new-born parents by released of Oxytocin and Nurturing Hormone.
Copyright © 2013 by Doris Seau. Proudly created by DS.
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