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(A) Baby Bonding Touch for Prenatal Class:


Start learning how to bond with your baby  with a nurturing Tummy Massage that will also relax and promote your wellness. You will also learn the important of  Bonding Touch for your new born from 1st  day of birth which proven helps to calm and relax both you and your baby to sleep better, relieving  tummy discomfort, hiccups,  



 course (For parents with babies before walking)



Baby Bonding Massage Workshop : Nurturing Touch


Did you know that parents who take a class with EduQ learn much more than just the mechanics of a massage routine? Our program involves many different styles of touch, movement, interaction and communication.


Why Massaging your baby ? 

Interaction in Baby Massage May Include:  

•Promotion of bonding and secure attachment*Verbal/non-verbal communication *Development of trust and confidence

•Feelings of love, respect, and being valued

•Circulatory and digestive systems *Hormonal and immune systems

•Learning and concentration

•Muscular development and growth*Mind and body awareness

Parents May Find that Baby  Massage Helps Relieve:

•Gas and colic * Constipation and elimination*Growing pains and    muscular tension*Teething discomfort*Improved sleep patterns*Increased flexibility and muscle tone*Regulation of behavioral states*Being calm and being able to calm themselves*Reduction in     stress hormones

To learn all about massaging  your baby: tips, body language communication, preparation, timing, usage of baby massage oil, massage lullaby  and more     * Baby massage relaxation and oil massage steps  by steps *  Therapeutic baby  acupressure  massage  to  relieve common ailment such as night crying, cold, tummy discomfort , teething problem  and boosting immune system  *  Baby and Mom Yoga . 

What you will learn in the workshop? 

Parents Feedbacks

Baby Legs Massage

Copyright © 2013 by Doris Seau. Proudly created by DS.



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  • Women Wellness & Antiaging Therapy & Workshop

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