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The best results from Children Therapeutic massage increase with a continued comprehensive treatment plan. I would recommend a minimum of two sessions per week may initially be required to get full relief.


Treatment sessions are much quicker due to the fact that the Qi of children is much more active and responsive, and getting an active young child to stay still for a long period of time is a challenge in and of itself.

Generally, a Children Massage session will take anywhere from 45-60 minutes including consultation which depending on the age of the child and the modalities used.


Book a session for your child

EduQ Children Therapeutic Massage Treatment : a combination of Children Aromatherapy, TCM* Children Moxibustion & Acupressure
*TCM: Traditional Chinese Medicine

Children Acupressure Massage (Pediatric Tuina) is part of the Traditional Chinese Medical (TCM) treatment practiced in China for more than 2000 years, this treatment has recently gained increased attention in the world outside China especially in Asia and United States as an alternative treatment approach for a variety of medical conditions of children.


The EduQ Children Therapeutic Massage Treatment combined the  Acupressure Massage with Aromatherapy is a non-invasive form of treatment, which invigorates the body’s natural mechanisms of healing and development, while helping the body to protect itself against harm. It is safe, , relaxing and effective to improve the health of children. There are no harmful side effects, only positive side effects of peaceful calm and relaxation could relieve many common ailments of children besides as a Preventive Healthcare / Welllness care for children such as boosting the immunity of a child.


The treatment session starts with Aromatherapy massage that suit for the child and follow with accupresure applied on specific points of various parts of the body, such as the face, abdomen, back and extremities depending on the disorders and needs of a child. The treatment is a safe manual therapy, gentle without side effects and great to relieve most discomforts of a child. Each session lasts about 45-60 minutes including consultantion.


Children Acupressure in preventing of diseases : Regular acupressure can strengthen their digestive, breathing,  immune systems such as preveting cold, cough, flus, anxiety, colic,near-seight etc


Relieve illness plan: Asthma / cough/ Abdominal Pain/Bed wetting/Baby with Colic / Night Crying / Vomiting Milk / Constipation and Diarrhea / Developmental Delays / Increase Weight Gain / Low appetite / Behavioral Problems / ADD/ADHD / Autism / Seizures / Loss focus8. Headaches / Poor Sleep / Migraines / Menstrual cramp or pain and much more .


Copyright © 2013 by Doris Seau. Proudly created by DS.



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